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Program Description

Families in Transition (FIT) is a free, youth-centered program administered by the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families (DCYF). FIT supports low-income immigrant youth who have limited English proficiency through personal and academic development in after-school activities such as tutoring, workshops, volunteer activities, and scholarship opportunities. The program supports students of all ages with a targeted focus on PK-5th graders and high school students.


FIT functions as a bridge linking immigrant youth and the community as we guide students towards academic success, assimilation to American culture, and integration as contributing citizens and leaders to their new community.

PK-5th Grade Programs Overview

The CCSC PK-5 Tutoring program is a student-led program aimed to aid bilingual immigrant children in learning English through the SF Chinatown Charity Cultural Services Center (CCSC).  Through weekly virtual tutoring twice a week in English as well as special weekend events, the PK-5 Tutoring Program aims to give students the tools to succeed both inside and outside of the classroom by strengthening their language confidence and providing mentorship. Consisting of over 100 students, the program also runs a summer camp which takes place from early June through early August and consists of English curriculum, social emotional learning, field trips, and creative activities. All tutors are high schoolers from the Bay Area, which ensures that the program not only provides leadership and service opportunities for local teenagers, but also ensures that students have resources and role models similar to them in age.


  • Free After-School Tutoring

    • Online: M,W

    • Sign up every semester

    • Happening with SFUSD school year


  • Workshops

    • Social-Emotional Learning: Identity Formation, Cultural Awareness

    • S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)

    • Leadership

    • Environmental Justice & Equity

    • Field Trips


  • Summer Camp

    • 2 months long

    • Field trips

    • Academic & fun activities

    • Partnership with community organizations

High School Program Overview

  • Scholarship - The FIT Scholarship Program offers a chance for 9-12th grade high school students of AAPI immigrant backgrounds from low-income households to receive $400 after committing to and completing 5 or more FIT workshops and 3-5 volunteer events throughout the academic year. Not only do students get the chance to earn scholarships, but they also get to meet like-minded peers, develop skills for success, and create meaningful bonds while giving back to the community.


  • Workshops - Every month, FIT holds at least two workshops online or in-person with fun activities and guest speakers. The purpose of these workshops are to teach students and help develop practical, lifelong skills for various aspects of life including academically, culturally, and professionally. The topics we cover are:

    • Leadership Development

    • Environmental, Sustainability, Zero-Waste

    • Cultural Awareness & Empowerment

    • Career Exploration & Planning

    • Professional Development

    • Financial Literacy

        These workshops are open for all San Francisco high school students to attend!


  • Volunteering - Throughout the school year, FIT participants will have the opportunities to volunteer for local non-profits, organizations, and city departments. At FIT, the students are taught about the importance of giving back to the community. Through the volunteering experience, students can make an impact on their community, develop their leadership skills, expand their social network, and discover new passions. Some volunteer opportunities we offer include:

    • Cooking/Baking Events

    • Tutoring Elementary Students

    • Food Bank

    • Beach/Street Clean Ups

    • Helping Senior Citizens

    • Assisting with Local Fairs & Events Across San Francisco


  • Gain Experience & Get Paid - The FIT program provides high schoolers with chances to gain experience and earn volunteer hours or stipends in the process! Serve the community as a tutor during the school year and summer camp counselor during the summer for our PK-5 program.

Contact Us

To learn more about FIT, you can visit our office at 747 Commercial Street. If you have any questions about this program, feel free to call us at 415-989-8224 or email us at

Charity Cultural Services Center

747 Commercial Street

San Francisco, CA 94108


Office Hours:

Monday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Tuesday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Wednesday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Thursday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Announcements: Check back for new updates!



PK-5 补习班家长

I feel that English tutoring classes are of great help to my children. The kids love it because the tutor interacts well with my children. My child will be more focused on thinking and answering the tutor. Tutors will read with the children and teach my children the correct pronunciation of words. My child was also encouraged to follow along and read the sentences. Also, I saw that my child uses English to communicate with teachers and classmates, which can provide an English environment for my child. Being able to listen, speak, and read, I think, will help improve children's expression and understanding abilities. I think she is happy to go to class every night and is willing to follow. I feel like she really likes it.This is sincere and reflects what I have observed from my children in class. I also sincerely thank you for providing these courses so that children have more opportunities to learn in a pleasant environment. Thank you for providing learning opportunities for us, families of English language learners.

PK-5 Tutoring Parent

© 2019 Charity Cultural Services Center. | 731-747 Commercial Street SF, CA 94108 |1550 Evans Ave. SF, CA 94124| 415-989-8224 |

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